Improve Your Life: 10 Things to STOP Doing Today!

Yay, a boring list. You should be so excited to read this as it will be exactly like all of the other lists you read online. True and False. True, because it is all common sense and we already know that quitting these behaviours will lead to a much happier and healthier life. False, because common sense is not all that common.

I am guilty for doing all of these things and am focusing on improving each and every day. I have been working on my growth game for over a year now and it is still really difficult to let go of some of these old habits. It takes time, determination, practice and focus to reinvent the way you think and do things. Do not expect to turn off these bad habits overnight and become a new and improved you right away. You have to work at it! If you are already complaining and whining because I said the word ‘work’ you may as well just go read up on your daily celebrity gossip or continue watching cat videos as this is not the place for you. Oh look, I already came up with a number 11! Stop reading and watching pointless shit all day.

1. Stop Complaining

People complain most of the day and don’t even realize they are doing it. Usually it is about something they can’t even control like the weather or traffic. Complaining is not going to change the situation, so just embrace it and make the best of it.

2. Stop Criticizing

What benefit do you get from talking about and judging others? Yes, it may be entertaining to talk about your coworkers hideous dress but it is not productive in any manner. Look in the mirror and pass your judgements on your own time. Focus on finding the good and compliment instead.

3. Stop Making Excuses

“I don’t have time.” “It’s too late.” “It’s too expensive.” If you want to do something then get off your butt and do it. Create an action plan and make adjustments for the things you really want in life. It is easier than you believe. Pick up a journal and get started.

4. Stop Underestimating Yourself

You may not be able to run a half marathon today but that doesn’t mean you won’t finish one next year. At the end of the day it is all about increasing your knowledge and staying focused on the goal. If you stay consistent on forming negative opinions about yourself you will never succeed in achieving the things you desire.

5. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Each person has his/her own flaws. Believe it or not but a friend you are most envious of possibly feels the exact same way about you. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday.

6. Stop Listening to Others Opinions

This is very crucial. Many people like to dish out negative opinions before saying anything positive. There are only so many times you can hear a phrase with negative connotation such as, “you are so slow” and “stop being stupid” before you start believing it yourself. Once you form this belief of incompetence about yourself you actually start to act like the person they created. Shame on YOU!

7. Stop Depending on Others

Putting too much reliance on others for the actions and results you would like to acquire can set you up for ultimate disaster. For example, lets say you want to travel for a festival and you are prepared to take the trip but you are waiting for a friend to commit…you have high expectations that he/she is going to make it work so you get extremely excited. A few weeks before the event your friend has a financial downfall and tells you they can’t make it. You say you understand and cancel the plan. NO! Wrong Answer! You wanted to go, so figure it the fuck out (pardon my language). If you don’t feel like going alone then join social groups and meet other people online and make a plan to meet up.

8. Stop Overthinking

I am totally guilty of overthinking. Maybe it is because of my creative drive, or maybe I’m not confident enough, or maybe I just want others to accept everything I’m saying, or maybe…Do you see what is happening here? Do not do this unless you have an endless amount of time on your hands. It is one of the worst distractions for productivity but it can also be the best. Sometimes you just have to put on the grown up pants and make a fast decision without an abundance of unrelated thought clouding your judgement.

9. Stop Focusing on Material Things

This is most prominent in our 20’s and 30’s but continues on throughout life. A lot of people measure success on how much money they make and what kind of things they own. Our society has driven these thoughts in our head through marketing and the majority of us follow and buy all the things just to earn a status or sense of achievement. Is that new Mercedes or vacation home going to be next to you on your deathbed? Do you have genuine friends or do they end up just coming around when you have something new and shiny to offer? If you focus too much on achieving money and material things you lose track of the people around you as you have no time outside of your career. When you lose your job and your fancy things who is going to be by your side? Please cherish the time you have with others. Do not sacrifice relationships to earn things.

10. Stop Focusing on What You Do NOT want

Start focusing on what you want. You end up achieving the thing you focus on. If you keep focusing on what you do not want you will end up stuck and possibly attaining the unwanted thing. Change the way you perceive things. If you honestly do not know what you want then you have to spend some time on yourself and concentrate on your growth game. A book that helped me learn a lot about myself is, Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins. Highly recommend it. Click on the book to learn more.

Wake up and take control of your life! From the bestselling author of Inner Strength, Unlimited Power, and MONEY Master the Game, Anthony Robbins, the nation’s leader in the science of peak performance, shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life.


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