Goal Setting Simplified: SMART Goals


You can stop rolling your eyes now, I get it. I promise this is not a job interview and you most definitely will not be judged on your responses. Setting goals is the first and easiest step in becoming a better version of yourself. Focusing on the present is important but if you do not have any specific goals set for the future, what is pushing you to strive to be the best you can be right now? Set some alone time for yourself, grab a pen and paper, maybe a cup of coffee or a glass of wine because it is time for you to get more acquainted with yourself.

First, figure out some areas in your life that you would like to improve on, and write them down as they come to mind. Aim for at least 3, and keep it simple.

Some Examples:

Second, ask yourself WHY it is important to you.

Physical Fitness

  • I want to lose fat
  • I want to increase strength
  • I would like to increase running speed and endurance
  • I want to be ripped
  • I would like to climb stairs without getting winded
  • I want to be able to keep up with my kids


  • I want to make more money to pay off debt
  • I want to be debt free so I can purchase a new car/house
  • I want to get a higher credit rating
  • I want to pay off my student loans
  • I want to open a savings account
  • I want to start a retirement plan


  • Go to events such as a Ballet, Opera, Hockey Game etc.
  • Explore Culture; Museums, Science, Arts
  • Walk more pathways in the city/Explore Parks
  • Shop Boutique Stores
  • Dine at various restaurants
  • Learn new things (paintball, trampoline parks, painting workshops…)

Third, Look over what you have just written down and create at least 5 SMART Goals.

For example: “I want to lose fat.” 

SPECIFIC – Ask Yourself Who, What, When, Where, Why?
  • Who is involved? Myself
  • What are you going to do to achieve this goal? Eat healthier and exercise more.
  • When are you going to start? Tomorrow.
  • Where will you do this? At the gym, home and work.
  • Why would you like to achieve this goal? To look and feel better naked.
MEASURABLE – How much? How Many? How will you measure your progress?
  • How much weight would you like to lose? 15 pounds.
  • How will you measure your progress? Use a scale and record body measurements once a week. Take before and after pictures.
ATTAINABLE – Are you able to stay committed? How will you attain your goal? Are there any obstacles in your way and how will you overcome them?
  • I will stay committed by hiring a personal trainer to hold me accountable for exercise. I will record everything I eat in myfitnesspal to keep track of what I am eating so I will eat fewer calories and make the right choices. 
REALISTIC – Is your goal realistic in the time you want to achieve it?
  • According to my research you can lose 2 pounds per week at a healthy rate so my goal to lose 15 pounds in 8 weeks is realistic. 
TIME-BOUND – When would you like to reach this goal?
  • I would like to lose 15 pounds in 8 weeks.

Time to take action! Goals can be set daily, short term, or long term. Whatever it is you are aiming for I wish you all the best. Stay strong and power through any obstacles.  Never give up, you got this.


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