Get Lean with Protein

Load up on protein to feed your muscles and melt the stubborn fat away.

This will not happen overnight, unless of course you have some kind of super power…kudos to you. Calories in versus calories out is what it all comes down to at the end of the day. I will elaborate more on that particular topic at a later date, but for now lets just stick with my favourite macronutrient named, Protein.

Keep It Simple Stupid: Protein aids in building muscle…Muscle burns fat! 

I know I know, you must be thinking this lady is off her rocker; as if it were that simple. You caught me! It really is NOT that simple as many things come into play such as genetics, gender, body type, activity level and so forth but I am not here to bore you with all of that scientific mumble jumble. If you are interested in learning more beyond what I am about to share then there is this wonderful place called Google which can enlighten or confuse you more on so many other levels.


Sedentary Sally

Sally sits on her ass drinking coffee and conducting prestigious research (AKA Facebook stalking) on a computer five days a week. In her leisure time she enjoys bubble baths, reading, Netflix and baking. Sally does not get out and about much; she is a little introverted and thinks that getting sweaty is gross. This broad gets winded walking up 4 flights of stairs to get to the entrance of her apartment. Sally is Sedentary.

Average Annie

Annie manages a retail store where she spends half of the work day looking after customers and the other half doing paperwork. She tends to eat fast food for lunch as she finds it hard to find the time to make lunch at home. Annie has 2 dogs that she walks daily but other than that Annie rarely does anything active. Her idea of fun on the weekends consists of going to the local pub or diner with friends for food and beverages. Annie is average.

Fit Fiona

Fiona is a go getter with an abundance of energy. At times you may want to knock her out as she is a total spitfire that does not know when to relax but overall you envy her enthusiasm. She likes to be on her feet and work with her hands…sitting still does not appeal to her. Fiona’s downtime consists of going to the gym, running around the neighbourhood, hiking in the mountains, kayaking, kick boxing, skiing, playing sports, etc. (I think you get the point.) Fiona is Fit.



Now that you have categorized yourself (sedentary, average, or fit) we can look at your recommended daily intake of protein.


The recommended intake of protein per day is 0.8 grams/kilogram of bodyweight (0.36 grams/pound).

Sally at 150 pounds has to eat 54 grams of protein per day. (150 x 0.36)


The recommended intake of protein per day is 1.3 grams/kilogram of bodyweight (0.60 grams/pound).

Annie at 150 pounds has to eat 90 grams of protein per day. (150 x 0.60)


The recommended intake of protein per day is 1.8 grams/kilogram of bodyweight (0.82 grams/pound).

Fiona at 150 pounds has to eat 123 grams of protein per day. (150 x 0.82)

The above information is a guideline. If you are not looking to make any real changes to your body then follow these numbers. If you are looking to get lean with protein please keep scrolling.


LEAN WITH PROTEIN (general rules)*

Eat 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. 

  • 3 meals each consisting of 25-30 grams of protein and 3 snacks at 12-15 grams of protein would be ideal for an 150 pound person. Try to limit each sitting to 30 grams of protein or less if your activity level is low to moderate each day.

Add a half hour of moderate to high intensity cardio per day.

Add at least 3 weight training days per week (at least a half hour duration per session).

Keep your carbohydrates between 50 and 75 grams per day; limiting your sugar to 25 grams. Every fourth day you can eat up to 150 grams of carbohydrates; limiting your sugar to 60 grams.

Drink 2-4 Litres of water per day.

Eat 1200-1500 calories per day. 

*These rules are just the basic guideline for the overall plan and I will not make any guarantees with this information. If you decide to give this a try and follow the rules for 4-6 weeks I am sure you will be happy with your result. Good Luck.


Track your calories and macronutrients with My Fitness Pal.


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